For those who have read my blogs which reveal a once strained mother-daughter relationship I share this so you can see the positive results of why I write the negative. May this encourage those who understand. L to R: Cyndi Jo, Gram-maternal, Mike, Tammy Sue L to R: Mom & Dad Cyndi Jo, Mike, Tammy Sue […]
Infertility: The Empty Mother’s Day Womb
This goes out to all the motherless wombs who grieve Mother’s Day because it hurts. Like many celebrations that our society recognizes, Mother’s Day is one of those holiday’s that has grown to astronomic proportions of flowers, cards and candy. God forbid we forget to thank our mother on the designated calendar date. I mean, there’s only 364 other days […]
Post #2 of my infertility series. I know this topic is emotional for some people, but I felt the need to share snippets of my journey for those going through it or grieving the loss. Whatever our situation, isn’t it always nice to know we’re not alone. Although my stories are a reflection of my personal […]
Infertility: The Hope of Spring
Post #1 of my infertility series: The April walk around the reservoir was a perfect place to share the news with my family. A phone call would’ve been quicker, but there are some things that need to be said face to face. Or should I say, more fun if shared in person. After a few laps […]
Healing with Mom
Through the five plus years of trying to conceive, there’d been many tears and many prayers. During the peak of our infertility process, a time when emotions were raw and tears flowed like rivers, it seemed every time I turned around I was invited to a baby shower. In addition to these peaks and valleys, […]