Believe There is Light in the Dark

So I want to blog and all of a sudden I can’t think of a thing to say. Like, it’s been almost 2 months since my last post. My husband is wondering what alien took over his wife’s body because of the silence.

I’ve been stuck in a funk. Challenged to share something of value but … Nada. Nothing.

I’m thinking, “What’s my problem?” I conclude Thanksgiving and Christmas coupled with cold, rain and the economy. What does that mean? Well, if truth be known the cold, rain and economy are surface issues. If I dig a little deeper what I discover are old memories, unrealistic expectations I have put on myself, unmet dreams, and fear of the unknown; add this to the holiday season and I got myself a case of melancholy. Yikes! That sounds like a disease no hot cup of ginger, lemon and honey could cure!
Melancholy appears pensive, dark and silent.

These days I am being stretched to roll with unforeseen adventures which are challenging me to laugh, have fun and trust like a child in spite of my circumstances. It’s not always easy for me because I missed out on that “child-like” part growing up.

I believe in hope and divine breakthroughs so why do I feel like I’m in the dark these days? Why do I feel like my heart isn’t telling me my next move? It occurred to me, maybe it’s because I can’t see what’s happening in the dark, therefore I feel out of control. Perhaps the silence means nothing more than I have to be patient until further instructions.

Reflecting on my melancholy funk, I was reminded of an event from my youth. 

When I was 15 years old, I went to Niagara Falls for my first and only time with my girlfriend on her family’s vacation. When we arrived it was late, dark, cold and pouring rain. 
I was wet, cold, and standing next to some wall in the dark while disappointed I couldn’t see the Falls. I believed I was really standing near them and believed I wouldn’t step off the edge. I couldn’t see much but I could certainly hear the pounding of the water. Yet I had enough youthful enthusiasm and trust left in me to roll with the adventure of that trip. “Seeing” Niagara Falls at night in the cold rain became our joke.

So this is what I gleaned.

Rather than…

  • focus on the dark funk, focus on the Light that is always leading me out.
  • focus on what I can’t see in the dark, focus on what I will see when the Light reveals a new day.
  • wonder if a breakthrough will ever come, be encouraged that it will.
  • think the “silence” is “dark” and nothing is happening, be reminded, just because I can’t see, there is much going on behind the scenes.
  • think it is dark and I can’t see, remember I can still hear.
  • think this hurts, consider that I’m having a workout and my muscles are growing me.
The Holidays can stir up unexpected things depending on the “season” you are in at this time of your life. If you are challenged, don’t beat yourself up. Maybe you’re simply getting a workout. 
Do you have a seasonal adventure you are rolling, crying or laughing with? 
Do you believe you can see the Light even when you’re in the dark?
Do you have a child-like faith or is your faith being challenged?
If you are going through this Christmas Season with child-like wonder, enjoy! 
If you are in a Christmas Season funk, don’t let it steal your joy or snuff your light. Be encouraged to keep your eye on the Light that is directing your way through the dark and be determined to enjoy this Christmas Season with a child-like wonder!
Niagara Falls, light, dark, 1978
Remember, you can stand near the falls in the dark, 
believe they are there, know you will dry out and at the same time, 
trust in the light that will come in the morning. 
Be encouraged!

4 Replies to “Believe There is Light in the Dark”

  1. I don't remember your trip to Niagara Falls. I admire your honest feelings about this season. One of my favorite aspects of the Christmas season is having lights sparkling everywhere. When you see so many beautiful lights, it's hard to stay in the darkness. Especially when we honor the one who came to bring light into the world. Merry Christmas, Tammy Sue.

  2. Thanks for your honest struggle with getting words on the page. I can so relate!!
    Isn't it awesome when in the midst of the junk, God shines a light on something good.
    Ha, keep writing, my friend!

  3. Jeanne, your story and victory of accomplishing 200 posts encouraged me to keep forging ahead. He does outshine the junk. Thank you for your encouragement!

  4. Linda aka mom,
    Why should you remember Niagara Falls, I barely do, I was in the dark!!! Ha Ha. Without the contrast, I wouldn't know the difference, but now that I do, I thank God for His gift of light!

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